(最終更新日:2023-06-02 12:41:45)
  バーズ キース   BARRS, Keith
  BARRS, Keith
   所属   広島修道大学  人文学部
   職種   教授
■ 現在の専門分野
1. 英語外来語と英語の共通点 
1. 日本語における外来語について 
■ 学歴
1. 1997/10~2000/07 Swansea University 人文学部 Ancient History and Civilisation 卒業 Bachelor of Arts
2. 2006/09~2007/08 University of Portsmouth School of Language and Area Studies 卒業 Applied Linguistics and TESOL
3. 2019/07/16
University of Leicester Ph.D.
■ 資格・免許
1. 2011/12 日本語能力試験2級
■ 所属学会
1. 2012/04~ 全国語学教育学会
2. 2013/06~ 全国語学教育語彙学会
■ 職歴
1. 2013/04~2019/03 広島修道大学 人文学部 准教授
2. 2019/04~ 広島修道大学 人文学部 教授
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 著書  Vocabulary Profiling the University Graduation Theses of Japanese Learners of English (単著) 2018/12
2. 論文  Learning from the Linguistic Landscape: A Project-Based Learning Approach to Investigating English in Japan (単著) 2020/04 Link
3. 論文  Deriving Lists of Collocates from Web Corpora : Issues and Implications of Different Association Measures (単著) 2020/02
4. 論文  A Corpus Analysis of the Grammatical Behaviour of English Loanwords
in the Japanese Language (単著) 2018/11
5. 論文  English in the Japanese Linguistic Landscape : An Awareness-Raising Activity Examining Place, Form, and Reason (単著) 2018/02
■ 学会発表
1. 2017/07/18 Examining the Functions of Loanwords: The Case of English Loanwords in Japanese(IPrA 15th International Pragmatics Conference)
2. 2017/06/18 Corpus tools for research projects in the language classroom(JALT CALL 2017)
3. 2016/05/20 Visualising the Grammatical Behaviour of English Loanwords in Japanese(JALT PANSIG International Conference)
4. 2015/06 Comparing Japanese-English Dictionary Entries of English Loanwords with Corpus-Derived Lexical Profiles(ASIALEX 2015)
5. 2014/09 Lexical semantics of English loanwords in Japanese(英国応用言語学会 BAAL 2014)
■ 講師・講演
1. 2013/11 外国人の見た日本の感性(広島)
■ 社会における活動
1. 2018/06~2018/06 (新聞等の記事等への対応)名物教授
■ 教育に関する発表
1. 2019/06
Human Assisted Language Learning
■ 開発した教材、教科書、参考書
1. 2019/09
Graduation Thesis Guidance (Thesis Template)
2. 2020/03
3. 2020/03
4. 2020/04
5. 2022/01
Graduation Thesis Template/Rubric
■ 改善への取り組み
My educational policy revolves around fostering active participation from students, whether in the classroom or online. To achieve this, I utilize tools like interactive whiteboards and learning management systems such as Google Classroom to create an interactive and engaging learning environment. Additionally, I prioritize timely grading and feedback within the semester to provide maximum learning opportunities for students. By incorporating these strategies, I aim to empower students to actively engage in their learning, promote interactivity, and ensure a supportive and stimulating educational experience.
I worked with other teachers on the Active English and Writing curriculums to try to develop clear goals and outcomes for the classes.
I participated in the 期末授業アンケット and used the results to develop the materials and structure of my classes.
I opened my 中等教科教育法(英語)Ⅲ Class to colleagues
- I made contact with 100% of the 単位僅少学生 - I consulted with several students about study abroad options and test taking options - I met with some of my tutor students to discuss their progress