(Last updated : 2024-06-19 14:21:40)
  SHIWA Shiro
   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Health Sciences
■ Present specialized field
●Specialized field
Clinical psychology 
●The main research themes
●Capable of joint research and research consultation content
■ Academic background
1. ~1980/03 Hiroshima Shudo University Faculty of Humanities Graduated
2. ~1982/03 Hiroshima Shudo University Graduate School, Division of Humanities 〔Master degree program〕 Completed
3. ~1982/11 Hiroshima Shudo University Graduate School, Division of Humanities 〔Doctoral course〕 Unfinished course
4. 1996/03
Degree Acquisition
Hiroshima Shudo University
■ Research activities
1. The 31st International Congress of Psychology
■ Business career
1. 2002/04~2017/03 Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences Professor
2. 2017/04~ Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Health Sciences Professor
■ Book and thesis
1. Thesis The case where ERP was effective for obsessive-compulsive symptoms (checking behavior) during driving. (Collaboration) 2023/12
2. Thesis Yorisoi for human service professionals: development of the comfort Scale. (Collaboration) 2020/09
3. Thesis Relationship between psychopathic traits, frontal lobe function, and decision making (Collaboration) 2016/07
4. Other A review on the availability of mental tempo in relaxation techniques. (Collaboration) 2020/02
■ Subject
1. Case Study Practicum in Clinical Psychology I(Practicum in Psychology VI)
2. Clinical Case Study Ⅰ (Practicum in Psychology ⅠA)
3. Clinical Psychology Advanced Research:Directed Research
4. Clinical Psychology Practicum II
5. Directed Research in Clinical Psychology I
All display(15)
■ Developed teaching materials, textbooks, reference books
1. 2021/09
Contribution Type : 単著
■ Home Page