Department   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Health Sciences
   Position   Professor
Language Japanese
Publication Date 2018/03
Type Articles
Title The effects of retention intervals on P300-based concealed information test using simultaneous auditory and visual stimulus presentation method: Comparison between the immediate group and the one month later group.
Contribution Type Co-Authored Publication
Journal TypeJapan
Volume, Issue, Pages 18,94-104頁
Number of pages 11
Responsible for General Discussion
Author and coauthor Shinji HIRA, Yoshihiro UEDA, Yoko SARAGAI, Yuki HAMAMOTO and Isato FURUMITSU
Details Most of the P300-based concealed information test (CIT) was carried out with the relatively short interval between a mock crime and the CITexamination. However, about 50% of the field polygraph tests were conducted at least one month after the criminal acts. Here we examined the validity of the P300-based CIT paradigm using simultaneous presentation of visual and auditory stimuli after a long interval between crime and examination. Participants were tested either immediately after the mock crime (N= 10) or after one month (N= 10). Results indicate that P300 amplitudes were significantly larger to probe than to irrelevant stimuli in both groups. Even after a delay of one month probe stimuli could be distinguished from irrelevant stimuli, which suggests theP300-based CIT with simultaneous visual and auditory presentation is feasible for field application.