ISHIDA Takashi
   Department   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences
   Position   Associate Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2022/11
Type Articles
Peer Review With peer review
Title "Presidential Company vs. President Company: Very Subtle but Crucial Semantic Differences Between RA-N and N-N"
Contribution Type Co-Authored Publication
Journal Tsukuba English Studies
Journal TypeJapan
Publisher 筑波英語学会
Volume, Issue, Pages 41,pp.19-32
Author and coauthor Takashi Ishida and Ryohei Naya
Details This study reconsiders the view that RA-formation does not add any predicate to their base nouns and suggests that they, in fact, differ in the range of denotations from their original base nouns. Specifically, we argue that the range of denotations of RA-N expressions can be more restrictive than that of N-N expressions in that whereas the latter express the contextually defined relation (cf. Nikolaeva and Spencer (2020)), the former express a kind relation (cf. Adger (2013)).