ISHIDA Takashi
   Department   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences
   Position   Associate Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2024/02
Type Articles
Title "Why are English Appositional Compounds Stressed on the Right-Hand Constituents? An Information Structure Approach"
Contribution Type Co-Authored Publication
Journal Studies in the Humanities and Sciences
Journal TypeJapan
Publisher 広島修道大学ひろしま未来協創センター
Volume, Issue, Pages 64(2),pp.55-72
Author and coauthor Takashi Ishida and Ryohei Naya
Details This study aims to provide a theoretical explanation for accent placement in English appositional compounds. In compounds, primary stress generally falls on the first element (e.g., ápple cake, bláck bird), while in appositional compounds, primary stress is consistently found in the second element (e.g., singer-sóngwriter, writer-diréctor). We contend that information structure is crucially involved not only in the constituent ordering of appositional compounds but also in explaining the relevant phonological phenomenon. Appositional compounds, when compared to other types of compounds, can be viewed as 'lists of propositions', wherein the primary stress on the rightward constituent plays a crucial role as 'new' information.