ルーオー グレゴリー トーマス
ROUAULT, Gregory T. ROUAULT, Gregory T. 所属 広島修道大学 商学部 職種 准教授 |
発表年月日 | 2019/05/18 |
発表テーマ | Reading Circles: Collaborative Activities for ER |
会議名 | JALT Pan-SIG Conference |
主催者 | Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT) |
学会区分 | 全国学会 |
発表形式 | 口頭(一般) |
単独共同区分 | 共同 |
開催地名 | Konan University, Nishinomiya CUBE Campus |
発表者・共同発表者 | Gregory Rouault
Max Praver |
概要 | For teachers of integrated skills courses, one challenge is to develop group work and varied activities built around the same content. Jacobs and Small (2003) relate the key principles valued in cooperative learning with trends in language education such as: learner autonomy, collaboration, curricular integration, higher order thinking, and a focus on meaning. Previous graded reader studies have acknowledged the positive interdependence at the heart of cooperative learning when learners responded that they enjoyed the Reading Circle discussions (Furr, n.d.) independent of their role or whether or not the book was interesting (Author, Author, & Author, 2012). |