バーズ キース
BARRS, Keith BARRS, Keith 所属 広島修道大学 人文学部 職種 教授 |
発表年月日 | 2016/05/20 |
発表テーマ | Visualising the Grammatical Behaviour of English Loanwords in Japanese |
会議名 | JALT PANSIG International Conference |
主催者 | JALT |
学会区分 | 全国学会 |
発表形式 | 口頭(一般) |
単独共同区分 | 単独 |
開催地名 | Okinawa, Japan |
概要 | The jpTenTen11 corpus allows English loanwords in Japanese to be explored in intricate detail. However, the massive number of concordance lines returned for a single search presents issues in the effective summarisation of the data. This presentation reports on the visualisation of the corpus data in order to investigate the tendencies and patterns in the grammatical behaviour of the most frequent English loanwords in Japanese. Corpus query tools (Sketch Engine) and data visualisation software (Tableau) were used to visualise dominant grammatical relationships (gramrels) of over 700 loanwords, revealing insights of significance to Japanese-English language education. |