ロナルド ジェームス マーチン
RONALD, James M. RONALD, James M. 所属 広島修道大学 人文学部 職種 教授 |
発表年月日 | 2016/01/19 |
発表テーマ | Pragmatics in the Classroom: English in and beyond the language classroom |
会議名 | Hiroshima Prefecture Board of Education Hiroshima JET |
学会区分 | 全国学会 |
発表形式 | 口頭(一般) |
単独共同区分 | 単独 |
招待講演 | 招待講演 |
概要 | In some ways, the English classroom may be the last place at school where we find real oral communication. In class, we study, we practice, we do activities, but rarely do we use English for real purposes within real relationships. However, outside class, or at the edges of class, that is all we use language for! In this hour, we will explore and try out some of the opportunities that are already in the classroom but may be overlooked or dealt with in Japanese. |