ルーオー グレゴリー トーマス
ROUAULT, Gregory T. ROUAULT, Gregory T. 所属 広島修道大学 商学部 職種 准教授 |
発表年月日 | 2018/09/06 |
発表テーマ | Language Classroom Activities with Happiness in Mind (and Body!) |
会議名 | Engaged L2 Learning - Theory to Practice |
主催者 | Teachers Helping Teachers 2018 |
学会区分 | 地方学会 |
発表形式 | 口頭(一般) |
単独共同区分 | 単独 |
開催地名 | Osh Pedagogical Institute of Humanities, Kyrgyzstan |
概要 | Teachers have often observed that happy students learn more, work longer at tasks, and approach tasks with more enthusiasm. Research into positive psychology has now revealed what is going on in the minds of happy people. This interactive workshop is for language teachers who want to use activities that work on specific language points (grammar, functions, topics and vocabulary) while having students do things that positive psychologists find are connected to happiness and well-being. |