キムラ ヤスミ   KIMURA Yasumi
  木村 安美
   所属   広島修道大学  健康科学部
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2024/06
発表テーマ Influence of Home Environment and Parents’ Attitudes toward Nutrition Education on Young Children’s Picky Eating
会議名 IFHE2024
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 単独
発表者・共同発表者 Yasumi Kimura
概要 Introduction: The home environment plays an important role in nutrition education for young children (3–6 years old). In Japan, nuclear families are increasingly common, mothers’ employment rates are rising, and the birthrate is declining. We examined how these environmental factors affect young children’s eating habits.
Methods: A questionnaire-based survey was conducted with 218 parents of preschool children, covering parents’ age, employment status, family structure, awareness of nutrition education, children’s age, picky eating, and sleep status. A nutrition education score up to 12 was given on appropriate eating manners and assisting with meal preparation; scores of ≥6 or <6 were assigned to high or low groups, respectively.
Findings: Over 90% of participants were in nuclear families, 60.1% were full-time homemakers, and 90.8% felt nutrition education should be provided at home. Children who went to bed later than 10 p.m. tended to skip breakfast. Bell peppers and eggplant were children’s most disliked foods. The rates of non-picky eaters were 89.9% and 76.9% for children with or without siblings, respectively. The high-scoring group for nutrition education tended to contain fewer picky eaters than the low-scoring group.
Conclusions: Parents’ awareness of nutrition education and a regular lifestyle can help reduce children’s picky eating.