Department   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Health Sciences
   Position   Professor
Date 2016/07/21
Presentation Theme Differences between burnout and laziness by focusing on self- and others’-evaluations
Conference International Association for Relationship Research
Conference Type International
Presentation Type Poster
Contribution Type Collaborative
Venue Toronto, Canada
Publisher and common publisher Igawa, J., Wang. W., Nakanishi, D., Sakata, K., & Hamada, N.
Details People with burnout symptoms, including emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, could easily be considered being lazy, and they might experience more self-condemnations because of the stigma of being lazy. Therefore, differences between laziness and burnout were investigated by focusing on self-evaluation and others-evaluation. Data were collected from nurses (n=67) and their managers (n=8) working in a mental hospital. We asked the managers to evaluate laziness of nurses, burnout tendency in nurses, and their liking for the nurses. Nurses were requested to respond to Japanese Burnout Scale (JBS) and the item assesing the tendency for laziness. Regression analysis indicated that burnout was positively related to emotional exhaustion in making self-evaluations, whereas it was negatively related to liking when making others-evaluations.