BARRS, Keith
   Department   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences
   Position   Professor
Date 2014/06
Presentation Theme A Comparison of association measures used to rank collocations
Conference 全国語学教育学会 語彙 SIG JALT Vocab 2014
Conference Type Domestic
Presentation Type Poster
Contribution Type Individual
Details This poster gives an overview and comparison of the association measures packaged with the Sketch Engine corpus query system. These are: T-Score, MI-Score, MI3-Score, log-likelihood, minimum sensitivity, logDice, MI-log_f, and relative freq. A collocational analysis was run on a small sub-set of loanwords which have high frequency in both Japanese and English, and the top ranking collocates produced by each association measure were compared. A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each measure in determining the meaning of the search-word through its list of collocates is followed by an overall summary of the most applicable measure in the research context. This poster will be of interest to those interested in corpus linguistics, issues of collocation and association measures, and a method of investigating the semantics of loanwords in Japanese.