Department   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Health Sciences
   Position   Professor
Date 2013/09
Presentation Theme The relationship between pectic compositions of dried stem-lettuce (Yama-Kurage) and difficulty in cooking
Conference 第20回国際栄養学会議(IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition)
Conference Type International
Presentation Type Speech (General)
Contribution Type Collaborative
Venue スペイン グラナダ (Granada Congress Centre)
Publisher and common publisher Michiko Fuchigami, Hiroko Kuwada, Kayoko Ishii, Yasumi Kimura, Chisako Takahashi, S. Hiramatsu, Y. Jibu, M. Tabuchi , A. Teramoto
Details ヤマクラゲ(乾燥ステムレタス)の煮熟軟化とペクチンの関係;主催者:国際栄養学会