(最終更新日:2023-07-14 13:39:29)
  マデン クリストファー フィリップ   MADEN Kurisutofua Fuirippu
  MADDEN, Christopher
   所属   広島修道大学  商学部
   職種   外国語契約教員(講師)
■ 現在の専門分野
■ 学歴
1. ~2010/01 The New School University 修了 Master's Degree of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
■ 職歴
1. 2021/04~ 広島修道大学 商学部 外国語契約教員(講師)
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  Exploring the Motivation Spectrum with Facebook Secret Groups (単著) 2019/06 Link
■ 学会発表
1. 2019/11/20 No Writing Textbook? No Problem(JALT National)
■ 授業科目
1. Active English Ⅴ_01
2. Active English Ⅶ_01
3. Active English Ⅰ_03
4. Active English Ⅲ_03
5. アクティブ・イングリッシュⅠ_61
■ 教育に関する発表
1. 2023/08
Happy C.A.M.P.ers: Motivation and Pragmatics for International Communication
Chris Madden
■ 改善への取り組み
In the Active English classes we do special tasks such as student-created Role Plays, which I created all the worksheets and explanations for, and provide a large amount of scaffolding throughout the experience. In the アクティブ・イングリッシュI 61 and the 英語コミュニケーション入門I 71 classes we are sticking to the textbook primarilly, but I also give them some fun crossword games for handouts, and both textbooks have videos, which we watch. For my Reading and Writing classes there is a surprisingly large amount of work to do, because the students do not know the correct formats for paragraphs and essays, so they get a lot of homework. They must write a Word document and email it to me for homework. My Listening and Speaking classes are both very motivated, and they are responding very well to the textbook and extra activities I give them. My elective Writing class is also highly motivated, and we started the Five-Paragraph Essay in the 7th class. The elective 英語聴解III 71 class is a joy to teach, and they are steadily improving their English listening and speaking abilities.
I always make my own materials for every class, and they are often based upon what I learn from other teachers at conferences, such as JALT National conference, local Hiroshima JALT meetings, and online conferences that I attend.
I did not offer or attend open classes.
I have an office hour once a week, and all students have my email address. However, none have attended my office hours, and the only emails I get are those with homework assignments.