(最終更新日:2024-06-21 17:44:13)
  ルーオー グレゴリー トーマス   ROUAULT, Gregory T.
  ROUAULT, Gregory T.
   所属   広島修道大学  商学部
   職種   准教授
■ 現在の専門分野
応用言語学, サステイナブル・ビジネス・マネジメント, マーケティング 
3205 第二言語習得理論, 外国語教育制度, 文化間コミュニケーション 
1. 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション 
2. シミュレーションを使用したタスクベースの言語教育 
3. 多読 
■ 学歴
1. 2003/09~2004/10 ディーキン大学大学院 教育学部 TESOL(外国語としての英語教授法専攻) 修士課程修了 Master of Applied Linguistics
2. 2004/09~2006/09 マッコーリー大学大学院 言語学部 TESOL(言語学習プログラムマネジメント専攻) 修士課程修了 修士(応用言語学)
■ 所属学会
1. 2005/04~ Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT)
2. 2005/04~ ∟ JALT Pan- SIG Conference Proposal Reviewer
3. 2008/04~ ∟ JALT International Conference Proposal Reviewer
4. 2018/04~ American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
5. 2018/04~ Association of Supervision Curriculum and Development (ASCD)
■ 職歴
1. 2019/04~ 広島修道大学 商学部 准教授
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  Fostering Grit, Empathy, and Self-Control: Reviewing Hoerr's Five Formative Skills (単著) 2018/01
2. 論文  The effectiveness and efficiency of extensive reading at developing reading rates (共著) 2017/11 Link
■ 学会発表
1. 2021/03/22 Innovative course design for task-based ESP: Using an online business simulation game(AAAL 2021)
2. 2021/03/21 Online graded reader learner profiles: A needs analysis for teaching & researcing opportunities(AAAL 2021)
3. 2021/03/16 Developing reading rates: The effectiveness and efficiency of ER over grammar translation(55th RELC International Conference)
4. 2020/11/29 Addressing design limitations in classroom research: A look into reading rate development through extensive reading(Asia TEFL 2020)
5. 2020/11/27 Attitudes and Perceptions on Comics as Authentic Crosscultural Learning Materials(Asia TEFL 2020)
■ 講師・講演
1. 2020/10 Gateway Publications for Professional Development(Online Zoom)
■ 授業科目
1. アクティブ・イングリッシュⅠ_08
2. アクティブ・イングリッシュⅡ_08
3. アクティブ・イングリッシュⅠ_71
4. アクティブ・イングリッシュⅡ_71
5. ビジネス英語Ⅴ_71
■ 主要学科目
国際ビジネスコミュニケーション I-IV, 英語リーディング I-II, アクティブイングリッシュ I-II, ビジネス英語, 英語ディスカッション
■ 社会における活動
1. 2018/05~2018/05 (講演会)日常言語とメディア言語に見られるユーモア
2. 2011/11~2023/11 (各種団体等の活動)編集者(Book Reviews)JALT Journal
3. 2004/11~ (各種団体等の活動)JALT Publications & ER in Japan
4. 2004/08~ (各種団体等の活動)日本バレーボール協会エグゼクティブ・インストラクター国際審判員対象Ⅰスクール
■ 教育に関する発表
1. 2023/11
Extensive Reading: The missing piece of the puzzle
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education & Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
3rd VNZ TESOL International Conference
Rob Waring, Greg Rouault
2. 2023/11
Teacher Training Roundtable on ER & Assessment
Host: RMIT University - Vietnam
Extensive Reading Foundation Roadshow - Vietnam
Rob Waring, Greg Rouault
3. 2023/11
The missing piece of the puzzle, why we need extensive reading
Host: HUFLIT Ho Chi Min City (HCMC) University of Foreign Languages - Information Technology
Extensive Reading Foundation Roadshow - Vietnam
Rob Waring, Greg Rouault
4. 2022/10
Dissing the disinformation for student-led discussions on current events
Association for Business Communication (ABC)
2022 - 87th Annual International ABC Conference
Gregory Rouault
5. 2021/10
"But Wait, There's More!" TV Shopping Infomercial Presentations
Association for Business Communication (ABC)
86th Annual International Conference ABC
Gregory Rouault
■ 開発した教材、教科書、参考書
1. 2020/05
Self-study Modules for Eigo Reading I (online) and II (face to face) in Google Classroom
2. 2021/04
Influencing Learner Motivation and Developing Skills Through Reading Activities
The English Connection: Korea TESOL
3. 2022/06
"But Wait, There's More!" TV Shopping Infomercial Presentations
Association for Business Communication (ABC)
4. 2023/11
Case studies in business innovation: Readings for discussion
Atama-ii Books
■ 改善への取り組み
- Teaching policies and plans were followed as per the online syllabus for elective courses and in the course outline that was created for each section of my compulsory courses. Classes were partially flipped (フリップト・アプローチ)with self-study done outside of the lesson time for homework and the class time divided among (a) task-based active learning production/output in pairs/groups and (b) feedback and instructions and troubleshooting on self-study toward fulfillment of the course objectives in terms of knowledge, skills, and improved confidence and self-awareness.
Drawing on vocabulary measures captured with free online tools for all incoming freshmen from prior years, online vocabulary flashcards and interactive games from Quizlet were introduced that were aligned with the textbook at the vocabulary levels to measure the learning needs identified previously. MReader online quizzes were used to confirm and reward comprehension in the weekly tadoku reading project. Students accessed learner level-appropriate reading materials from the library. Reading circle activities and separate individual role worksheets were introduced and added to the アクティブイングリッシュEnglish course for more focus in pair/group work discussions among 3-4 people who had read the same book. A new business simulation game was introduced to challenge students in managing budgets and developing product positioning plans and marketing strategies.
As a member of the Conference Planning Committee for the 6th Extensive Reading World Congress (ERWC), I was responsible for the scholarships offered to support international scholars to attend the conference in person. I managed the website contents, digital data, email communication around submissions, and with a sub-committee vetted, screened, and selected the scholarship recipients. https://erfoundation.org/erwc6/scholarships/
Student evaluations were conducted in class via the “Shudo system.” For students in both 30-person and in smaller class sizes, more information on class schedules and homework was archived for students access to access online through Google Classroom. This offered opportunities to simplify task instructions by making L1 language support available and provided online access for greater comfort and engagement for a better completion rate of homework & self-study assignments.
I continued to make several lesson dates available each semester on at least 3 different types of courses that I teach, but in 2023 no observers attended any of my lessons.
-As a tutor, I met with a student who achieved lower than the minimum target number of credits. - The value for job hunting of the practical tasks being learned was reinforced to seniors and elective course students for their “life after Shudo” while also sharing reminders of Career Center seminars on campus and the support programs and workshops offered by the Gakushien Center. - Listening and Reading skills were focused on to link more concretely to better performance on TOEIC by avoiding tricky distractors and half of all those students who progressed out of Level 1 in the Spring to be eligible for Level 2 or 3 elective courses were from my courses. - Volunteered to co-facilitate a discussion among 8 visiting students from the National University of Singapore and Shudo students, including one of my more proficient learners who I invited to participate. - Always announcing Career Center info on visiting companies, Gakushien Center workshops, and on/off campus certificates.
I was not assigned to assist formally with any club/circle activities.