(最終更新日:2024-06-20 17:07:36)
  ジェイムズ ダニエル   JAMES, Daniel
  JAMES, Daniel
   所属   広島修道大学  国際コミュニティ学部
   職種   教授
■ 現在の専門分野
言語学, 英語学, English as a Lingua Franca, Images of Japan & Japanese People in English Language Cinema 
1. 多読 
2. 多聴 
3. リンガフランカ(共通語) 
■ 学歴
1. 2002/06
University of Surrey国立サリー大学大学院 M.A. (Linguistics):TESOL)文学修士(言語:英語教授法)取得
■ 所属学会
1. 1998/04~ JALT
2. 1998/04~ ∟ 広島支部会員
3. 2017/07~ JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers)
■ 職歴
1. 2017/04~2018/03 広島修道大学 法学部 准教授
2. 2018/04~2021/03 広島修道大学 国際コミュニティ学部 准教授
3. 2021/04~ 広島修道大学 国際コミュニティ学部 教授
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  Changes in Silence: Patterns and Observations in Intercultural Conversations between Japanese and Exchange Students (単著) 2021/09
2. 論文  The Changing Roles of the "Native Speakers" at Suzugamine Women's College. (共著) 2015/12
3. 論文  Assessing changes in student attitudes, beliefs and motivation towards English and language learning: A case study of students in 1st year General English classes at Suzugamine Women’s College. (共著) 2014/12
4. 論文  Assessing student attitudes, beliefs and motivation towards English and language learning: A case study of students in 1st year General English classes at Suzugamine Women’s College. (共著) 2013/12
5. 論文  A Further Investigation into the Effects of Repeated Speed Reading Exercises over a Short Term Period. (単著) 2012/12
■ 授業科目
1. Contemporary Writing Skills
2. Discussion, Analysis and Prese
3. Global Community English Ⅰ_04
4. Global Community English Ⅱ_04
5. Global Community English Ⅲ_04
■ 社会における活動
1. 2023/08~2023/08 第8回ひろしまジュニア国際フォーラム Link
2. 2022/08~2022/08 第7回ひろしまジュニア国際フォーラム (オンライン) Link
3. 2021/08~2021/08 第6回ひろしまジュニア国際フォーラム(オンライン) Link
4. 2012/09~2012/09 (市民講座)「今年のイギリスで流行語を学ぼう「2012年:エリザベート2世60周年お祝い&ロンドンオリンピック・イヤー」
■ 開発した教材、教科書、参考書
1. 2019/05
Bedside Manner Basic
Perceptia Press
■ メールアドレス
■ 改善への取り組み
At Hiroshima Shudo University, all the syllabi were completed online whereas the lessons were completed face to face as far was possible. However, it was still surprising that 1st and 2nd year students basic IT skills were so poor in terms of document, spreadsheet and presentation making. 1) This meant time in the lessons was used for teaching basic IT skills so a lot of time and effort was used on teaching students how to use online tools properly and effectively. 2) Adapting part of the lessons to an online format mainly using Zoom for synchronous lessons and Google Classroom for sharing, collecting, marking and grading coursework and reports. For Introduction to Research 01 & 02, the materials and standards were already set and this was relatively easy to expand upon. However, there were challenges to move other courses online especially those based upon aural or visual materials. For English Listening and Reading this problem was lessened by the use of publisher produced e-books and online resources.Additionally, the online extensive reading and listening courses were both successful and popular and will be used in 2022, however more must be done to offer different ways for students to learn. Most of the learning and classes were still focussed upon me as the teachers and not the students as learners. I would still like to encourage students to take more responsibility for their own learning both in and out of the classroom.
Compared to 2022 there were no lessons online but there were still a need to prepare for online learning such as the introductory lessons on how to use Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams. All courses taught in 2023 made use of Google Classroom. Widespread use of Google Forms and QR codes for surveys within classes. Videos were made for 'Sekai to Chiiki' as well as the use Moodle.
The overall results of the student evaluations was at 4.8 throughout 2023. The comments were generally favourable including the use of screens, online practice aids as well as smartphones. The were also compliments on the time I spent answering questions in class. In English reading classes the difficulty of the Speed Reading was readjusted as well as the contents which the students were allowed to choose themselves. Also, in writing classes faster turnaround times were requested as well as more level suitable materials-both of which I did.
In Semester 2, I opened a class for class observation: 英語リーディングVI_46 on December 8th, 15th and 22nd.
Along with staff members of International Affairs Center I advised international students on the current credit status as well looking for a job or going onto postgraduate studies.
I was the cycling club advisor for 2023.