(最終更新日:2023-06-02 12:41:45)
  ホイ キース チャールズ   HOY, Keith C.
  HOY, Keith C.
   所属   広島修道大学  国際コミュニティ学部
   職種   教授
■ 現在の専門分野
Global Issues in a Multi-cultural context 
1.) Global Issues in Japanese Society; 2.) Community of Practice; 3.) English as a Lingua Franca; 
1. Globalization 
2. Multi-cultural 
3. Community 
4. Lingua Franca 
5. Power 
■ 学歴
1. 1994/06~1996/10 School for International Training Graduate Institute (USA), Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Lanuages(スクール・フォア・インターナショナル・トレーニング大学院) Faculty of Education MATESOL修士課程 修士課程修了 MATESOL
■ 職歴
1. 2017/04~2018/03 広島修道大学 法学部 教授
2. 2018/04~ 広島修道大学 国際コミュニティ学部 教授
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  A Syntactic Analysis of L2 Writing Errors: A Case Study (単著) 2015/12
2. 論文  Assessing changes in student attitudes,beliefs and motivation towards English and language learning: A case study of students in 1st year General English classes at Suzugamine Women's College (共著) 2014/12
3. 論文  Assessing student attitudes, beliefs and motivation towards
English and language learning: A case study of students in 1st year General English classes at Suzugamine Women's College (共著) 2013/12
4. 論文  The Informative paragraph-A Journey through Reflection and Discovery (単著) 2012/12
5. 論文  The DISTAR approach to teaching young children how to read (単著) 2011/12
■ 授業科目
1. Global Community English Ⅰ_06
2. Global Community English Ⅱ_06
3. Global Community English Ⅲ_06
4. Intro. to Public Speaking and
5. MCP(Contemporary Issues)_44
■ 教育に関する発表
1. 2020/10
The Power of Visual Prompts: Activating and Engaging the Student Learner
Hiroshima JALT chapter (online)
2. 2019/12
Creating Interest (in an Interesting Opener) for a Serious Course
Yokohama-JALT Myshare
■ 開発した教材、教科書、参考書
1. 2019/06
Revised Lecture notes for MCP (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society)
MCP (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society)
2. 2020/06
Revised Lecture notes for MCP class (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society) and 英語圏留学入門_13 class
MCP (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society)_44 and 英語圏留学入門_13 class
3. 2021/04
Revised lecture notes for all my classes to better suit an online format.
(1.) Introduction to Public Speaking_01 and_02 (2.) MCP Contemporary Issues_44 (3.) 英語 Reading V and VI_45 (4.) 英語Listening V and VI_46 (5.) 英語圏留 学入門_11, _13 and _14 (6.) Global 特講 III (7.)体験実践 A and B.
4. 2022/04
Due to major curriculum changes for 2023 and 2024, it was necessary to revise some of my teaching materials during 2022.
(1.) 留学英語入門(TOEFL/IELTS)_11 (2.) Introduction to Public Speaking_01 and_02 (3.) 体験実践A and B. (4.) Global 特講II and III.
5. 2023/09
Due to major curriculum changes for 2024, it was necessary to revise some of my teaching materials during 2023.
(1.) 留学英語入門(TOEFL/IELTS)_11 (2.) Introduction to Public Speaking_01 and_02 (3.) Global 特講II and III.
■ 改善への取り組み
My syllabi criteria mostly matched the objectives of my teaching policy, plan, and evaluation according to these seven classes: 1.) Although my Introduction to Public Speaking and Presentations class as well as my Public Speaking and Presentation Skills class contained students of mixed abilities, I was able to cater the evaluation criteria to the student level; 2.) My MCP Contemporary Issues class followed all the criteria I laid as international, and Shudo students greatly benefited from their communicative and collaborative exchanges; 3.) Since the students in my英語リーディング III and IV class were at the high beginner level, this course allowed them to develop and expand upon their basic reading skills; 4.) The intermediate-high level students in my 英語リスニング V and VI course met the objectives of further developing their listening skills; 5.) The content related to travel and study abroad in North America in my英語圏留学入門_11, _13, and _14 classes benefited those intending to go abroad; 6.) In my グローバル特講 II class, students came away with a better understanding of the intercultural skills necessary for their overseas destination and, therefore, satisfied the content criteria. Furthermore, in myグローバル特講 III class, the students were able to better identify and refine their overseas place of study with an emphasis on their future goals; 7.) In my体験実践 A and B classes at Hiroshima International School, students were successful at reflecting on their experiences.
There were four ways in which the instructional delivery of my classes improved: 1.) I kept up on the newest approaches and techniques in second language teaching, global education, and learning empowerment through my face-to-face and online attendance at local, national, and international conferences. I also contacted experts in the IELTS test-taking community who gave me their best teaching practices related to appropriate materials and instructional techniques; 2.) As in past years, the variety of technology-assisted learning I have practiced and refined, be it Google Classroom, Kahoot, Deepl, Zoom, and even Chat GPT, have greatly enhanced my students' learning experiences; 3.) A colleague observed my IELTS class this year. This colleague had previous experience teaching this course, and his feedback was really helpful for me as it was my first time teaching a skills-testing English course; 4.) From April to November 2023, I was part of a team responsible for creating the annual early entrance English exams for Shudo University. I greatly appreciated my Japanese colleagues in terms of their insights and perspectives of the prospective high school students. Again, confirming my linguistic biases versus my colleagues gave me better information in refining my existing courses.
I was nominated as "Member at Large" in the Global Issues in Education (GILE) Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Japanese Association of Language Teachers (JALT). My duties are to help out in any capacity related to the JALT International conference and domestic conferences held throughout Japan.
I looked at two sets of data over semesters 1 and 2. The first data set involved my 英語圏留学入門_11, _13, and _14 courses. In my term 1 語圏留学入門_11 course, all the comments were generally positive, as shown in the ratings I received under the ten measurements of the teaching and lecture content category. Most students were already interested in learning about studying abroad in English-speaking countries, so the content was new and interesting for them. More importantly, they were able to understand the importance of using English in a variety of different cultural situations. As far as analyzing those results and applying them to my 英語圏留学入門_13 and _14 courses (which were in terms 3 and 4, respectively), I was able to continue to provide a variety of thorough yet comprehensive lectures into the study abroad experience in the United States and Canada. As a result, the comments were pretty much the same as in term 1. The second set of data concerned my 英語リスニング V and VI courses during terms 1 and 2. I noticed that in term 1, not all the students clearly understood the contents of my lessons. Therefore, I made an increased effort to constantly remind them that if they did not understand, they should please tell me. I would then explain it to them again but in easy English. This seemed to have worked as students appreciated that I made this effort, which was reflected in higher term two scores in measurement number 5 under the teaching and lecture content category.
I was fortunate to have a colleague come and observe my 留学英語入門(TOEFL/IELTS)_11 class on December 1, 2023.
There were several occasions where I had the opportunity to give students substantial guidance: 1.) In regards, to their 体験実践 A and B classes, I recruited two former Shudo student volunteers from the previous year to talk about their experiences at Hiroshima International School (HIS). This occurred on July 4, and it was well received by the students about to go on their volunteer experience. In addition, I set up two formal Zoom sessions (July 18 and September 8) for students to connect with their placement advisors at HIS. This worked very well as students could discuss their upcoming volunteer placement assignments and preferences before coming; 2.) Like last year, I had the international and Shudo students attending my MCP Contemporary Issues class discuss, exchange, and collaborate on issues relating to their education and future job-hunting prospects. This occurred on June 27 and July 4, and these sessions proved informative as students could see many similarities and differences between them; 3.) In my グローバル特講 II class, I had the students explore what their future career plans would be based on their study abroad experiences. This was a great chance for students to find meaning and connection with an overseas environment. For the last three sessions of this course, considerable time was spent getting the students to integrate all the information gathered from the library, online, and their sempai sessions.