(最終更新日:2024-06-24 15:16:19)
  タウンゼント ジャナ マリ   TOWNSEND, Jana M.
   所属   広島修道大学  国際コミュニティ学部
   職種   教授
■ 現在の専門分野
Japan Studies, Foreign Language Education, Intercultural Communication 
1. Mixed L1 Communication Strategies Utilizing ELF and JLF in International Co-Learning 
■ 学歴
1. 2004/05/25
Master of Arts with Distinction
2. 1999/04~2003/09 The University of Sheffield School of East Asian Studies 修士課程修了
3. 1986/06~1989/05 University of British Columbia Faculty of Arts Department of East Asian Studies 卒業 Bachelor of Arts (First Honours)
■ 職歴
1. 2018/04~ 広島修道大学 国際コミュニティ学部 教授
2. 2017/04~2018/03 広島修道大学 法学部 教授
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  Using Yasashii Nihongo in Cross-cultural Virtual Exchange: Perceived Effects on the Mindsets of First-Year Japanese University Students (共著) 2021/09
2. 論文  国際共修における相手言語接触場面のインターアクション:計量的・内容的分析から見えてくること (共著) 2019/09
3. 論文  The Changing Roles of the "Native Speakers" at Suzugamine Women's College (共著) 2015/12
4. 論文  Assessing changes in student attitudes, beliefs and motivation towards English and language learning: A case study of students in 1st year General English classes at Suzugamine Women’s College (共著) 2014/12
5. 論文  The ACE Program (2003-2014) in Review (単著) 2014/12
■ 学会発表
1. 2019/11/02 Multicultural Classrooms: Learning to be Silent(JALT2019 "Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency": 45th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning)
2. 2019/03/13 Discovering shared speaker resources through "dual" lingua franca tasks in university EMI(54th RELC International Conference)
3. 2019/02/15 Learner and teacher discoveries on mixed-L1 lingua franca communicative competencies in a Japanese university EMI course(The 15th Annual CamTESOL Conference)
4. 2018/09/15 Enriching the Study Abroad Experience - in Japan(JALT Study Abroad Special Interest Group Conference)
5. 2018/03/12 Meaning Negotiation: Mixed L1 Lingua Franca strategies in Japanese University Co-learning(53rd RELC International Conference on 50 Years of English Language Teaching and Assessment)
■ 授業科目
1. Cross-Cultural Communicatio_01
2. Global Community English Ⅰ_05
3. Global Community English Ⅱ_05
4. Global Community English Ⅲ_05
5. Japan Studies
■ 主要学科目
Japan Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication, Multicultural Project (Popular Music in Modern Japanese Society), Multicultural Project (Japanese Culture in Hospitality and Service)
■ 社会における活動
1. 2019/10 国際コミュニティ学部開設記念講座 「グローバル時代の世界と地域」 第2回 「国際共通語としての英語とその可能性」
2. 1999/10~2017/02 Suzugamine Women's College "Open College - Adult Conversational English Program
3. 2013/12 広島市シティカレッジ2013年公開講座「文化交流の中のジェンダー」 (広島市まちづくり市民交流プラザ)出講
4. 2009/03 鈴峯地域連携講座「大人ならではの英語学習を考える」(五日市公民館)出講
5. 1998/10~1998/11 鈴峯女子短期大学ベルオープンカレッジ・英語による公開講座シリーズ 通訳
■ 改善への取り組み
I was able to follow the scope and sequence as had been stated in my syllabi for all my courses last year, with minor adjustments made due to actual class sizes and language proficiency levels of the students. (The possibilities for such adjustments had also been stated in the syllabi.) The grading criteria on the syllabi were repeatedly communicated to students over the duration of the courses and were followed faithfully.
As stated last year (for my reflections on AY2022), I have been working on encouraging my students to: 1. Make it a habit to view and reflect on their own work together with my comments (posted on sites like "Padlet" and "Google Classroom" carefully) in order to discover their strengths for further enhancement, plus points for improvement; 2. Appreciate--and learn in their spare time from--the work done by their classmates instead of just their own on such shared sites. In order to give my students tangible incentives to perform the above regularly, I allotted from AY2023 a portion of the participation mark for all my students for thoughtfully doing the above, and communicated that to my students. Student reception to this change has been good, as evidenced by the significant increase in assignment re-submissions as well as thoughtful (or encouraging) comments to their classmates' work. My rationale for this change is that, even if some students cannot do well on their assignments or projects in their first submission, they have additional chances to earn marks for their efforts in learning from past errors or from other students' examples.
Although still rather small in number (even after repeated reminders to complete the course evaluations by students in AY2023), the responses received were largely positive, especially in terms of student satisfaction, level of understanding, and degree of enjoyment in the course activities. One case, however, stood out, when one student (a very capable 4th year student as I was able to figure out ) commented that my request for students to remove their masks while giving their presentations online was a harsh and cruel one for her. She also said that, while I did not name her when making this request, she felt as though I was pinpointing her to the class. Thankfully, on graduation day, this student attended confidently (and with a lot of smiles on her unmasked face). However, this student's previous comments helped me learn not to make some of my requests sound as though they were absolutely required and to ensure even further that no one feels as though their weaknesses or preferences are exposed to the whole class.
I opened my "Taiken Jissen" final class for observation in Term 3 of AY 2023; however, unfortunately, I received no visitors.
I am continuing to reach out to students (who show signs of potential difficulties) informally and positively, but persistently. The one thing that I endeavor to avoid is to make them feel as though I have given up on their success. Usually (though not 100%), these students eventually do respond and tell me what is causing their difficulties. As long as they do so at any given point, I make it a point to hear their situation and sit down with them to create a plan for catching up. I must say, however, that this process is increasingly a tougher challenge each year.