(最終更新日:2024-03-15 10:58:20)
  パーンタ セイジ   PANTER Sage
  PANTER, Sage M.
   所属   広島修道大学  法学部
   職種   外国語契約教員(講師)
■ 現在の専門分野
紛争の激化, ダークツーリズム, 広島平和記念公園 
■ 学歴
1. 2009/08~2014/05 ボウリンググリーン州立大学 卒業 アジア研究、平和と紛争研究の学士
2. 2016/08~2018/06 デンバー大学 ジョセフ・コーベル国際関係大学院 修士課程修了 Master of Arts
■ 職歴
1. 2019/04~2024/03 広島エイグローブ外語スクール 教師と監督
2. 2019/04~2024/03 広島市観光ボランティアガイド協会 季節英語ツアーガイドトレーナー
3. 2022/04~2024/03 広島上野外語専門学校 教師
4. 2023/08~2024/03 サイクル広島自転車ツアー ツアーガイド
5. 2024/04~ 広島修道大学 法学部 外国語契約教員(講師)
■ 授業科目
1. Active English Ⅱ_01
2. Active English Ⅳ_01
3. Active English Ⅵ_02
4. Active English Ⅷ_02
5. アクティブ・イングリッシュⅠ_81
■ 社会における活動
1. 2023/07 広島女学院大学 Perspectives on Peace Series (ゲストスピーカー)
2. 2023/03 CIEE アメリカ人留学生のための広島小旅行 (ゲストスピーカー)
3. 2020/07 NPO法人PEACE CULTURE VILLAGE 広島舟入高校セミナー (ゲストスピーカー)
4. 2016/08 ボウリンググリーン州立大学9/11コンファレンス(参加者)
■ 改善への取り組み
Because it is my first year teaching at Shudo, I didn't know what to expect and thus I have deviated from my original plans quite a bit because the realities of the class environments couldn't support what I originally planned. However, I have used all of the textbooks I planned to use since the beginning and most of my midterm tests were the same as I originally planned and the overall focus of the classes is the same.
I have to work on streamlining my classes to help both myself and the students understand what to expect from each class and each assignment. I also need to work on some class management techniques because I have some students that sleep/play on their phone/talk too much to their friends during class. I probably can't completely stop this from happening every class with every student but I need to try different techniques to reduce the amount of students that do those things. I also want to use more games in class but I haven't had the time to make the materials, I hope I will have more time in the future.
Hiroshima Jogakuin University's Perspectives on Peace Series as a guest speaker in July-August 2023. And Bowling Green State University's 9/11 Conference as a guest speaker who contributed a paper for the conference.
I haven't opened my class to colleagues yet but plan to next semester.
I haven't had much one on one time with many students yet. However I am working to make myself available and approachable to the students for any questions or concerns they might have about anything regarding the class, English in general, or future plans. Besides quick discussions right after class, no student has sought me out yet.