(Last updated : 2023-06-02 12:41:45)
  HOY, Keith C.
   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Global and Community Studies
■ Present specialized field
●Specialized field
Global Issues in a Multi-cultural context 
1.) Global Issues in Japanese Society; 2.) Community of Practice; 3.) English as a Lingua Franca; 
●The main research themes
1. Globalization 
2. Multi-cultural 
3. Community 
4. Lingua Franca 
5. Power 
●Capable of joint research and research consultation content
■ Academic background
1. 1994/06~1996/10 School for International Training Graduate Institute (USA), Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Lanuages(スクール・フォア・インターナショナル・トレーニング大学院) Faculty of Education MATESOL修士課程〔Master degree program〕 Completed MATESOL修士
■ Business career
1. 2017/04~2018/03 Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Law Professor
2. 2018/04~ Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Global and Community Studies Professor
■ Book and thesis
1. Thesis L2生徒における構文エラーの分析:事例研究 (Single) 2015/12
2. Thesis 生徒の英語学学習に対する姿勢・信念・意欲の変遷:鈴峯女子短期大学総合英語教室一年生を対象とした事例研究 (Collaboration) 2014/12
3. Thesis 生徒個人の英語学学習に対する姿勢・信念・意欲に関する調査:鈴峯女子短期大学総合英語教室一年生を対象とした事例研究 (Collaboration) 2013/12
4. Thesis 情報伝達的なパラグラフ-再考と発見 (Single) 2012/12
5. Thesis 子供に英語の読み方を教える際のDISTAR法の採用 (Single) 2011/12
All display(21)
■ Subject
1. 0
2. 0
3. English for Proficiency Tests VI
4. Experiential Learning
5. Global Community English Ⅰ
All display(12)
■ Announcement about the education
1. 2020/10
Contribution Type : 単独
2. 2019/12
Creating Interest (in an Interesting Opener) for a Serious Course
Yokohama-JALT Myshare
Contribution Type : 単独
■ Developed teaching materials, textbooks, reference books
1. 2019/06
Revised Lecture notes for MCP (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society)
MCP (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society)
Contribution Type : 単著
2. 2020/06
Revised Lecture notes for MCP class (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society) and 英語圏留学入門_13 class
MCP (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society)_44 and 英語圏留学入門_13 class
Contribution Type : 単著
3. 2021/04
Revised lecture notes for all my classes to better suit an online format.
(1.) Introduction to Public Speaking_01 and_02 (2.) MCP Contemporary Issues_44 (3.) 英語 Reading V and VI_45 (4.) 英語Listening V and VI_46 (5.) 英語圏留 学入門_11, _13 and _14 (6.) Global 特講 III (7.)体験実践 A and B.
Contribution Type : 単著
4. 2022/04
Contribution Type : 単著
5. 2023/09
Teaching material
Contribution Type : 単著