(Last updated : 2024-07-23 18:13:53)
  TAGAMI Keiji
   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Economic Sciences
   Associate Professor
■ Present specialized field
●Specialized field
●The main research themes
●Capable of joint research and research consultation content
■ Academic background
1. ~2010/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Faculty of Science Graduated
2. ~2012/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology 〔Master degree program〕 Completed
3. ~2015/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology 〔Doctoral course〕 Completed
■ Business career
1. 2013/04~2015/03 Special researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2. 2015/04~2016/03 Special researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
3. 2022/04~ Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Economic Sciences Associate Professor
■ Book and thesis
1. Thesis An alternative proof for the minimality of strongly quasi-positive fibered knots in the ribbon concordance poset (Single) 2024/05
2. Thesis A proposal for a method finding crowded places on public transportation networks in Hiroshima City via random walks (Single) 2024/03
3. Thesis Remarks on the minimalities of two-bridge knots in the ribbon concordance poset (Single) 2023/11
4. Thesis A generalization of the slice-ribbon conjecture for two-bridge knots and t_n-move (Collaboration) 2023/03
5. Thesis Notes on constructions of knots with the same trace (Single) 2022/03
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2021/05 Annulus presentation and dualizable pattern (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)
2. 2015/05 Fibered knots with the same 0-surgery and the slice-ribbon conjecture (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)
3. 2013/09 Rasmussen invariants of almost positive knots (Mini workshop on knot concordance)
4. 2013/01 HQFT and Khovanov homology for link diagrams on surfaces (the 9th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics)
■ Subject
1. Algebra
2. Analysis I
3. Analysis II
4. Applied mathematics study Ⅱ
5. Applied mathematics study I
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■ Developed teaching materials, textbooks, reference books
1. 2023/04
Contribution Type : 単著
2. 2023/04
Contribution Type : 単著
3. 2023/04
Contribution Type : 単著
4. 2023/04
Contribution Type : 単著