(Last updated : 2024-08-24 11:26:21)
   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Health Sciences
   Associate Professor
■ Present specialized field
●Specialized field
Food science, Eating habits 
●The main research themes
●Capable of joint research and research consultation content
■ Academic background
1. 2015/10~2018/09 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Biophere Sciences 〔Doctoral course〕 Completed
■ Business career
1. 2021/04~2023/03 Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Health Sciences Assistant Professor
2. 2023/04~ Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Health Sciences Associate Professor
■ Book and thesis
1. Thesis Sensory analysis of sweetness in viscous solutions and gels with agar (Collaboration) 2023/11 Link
2. Thesis A comparison of sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis for the texture of thickener solutions (Collaboration) 2022/09
3. Thesis Texture evaluation and control of commercially available strawberry jam based on physical properties (Collaboration) 2022/09
4. Thesis Enhancement of salty taste by the addition of oils based on a "time-intensity" analysis (Collaboration) 2020/12
5. Thesis Time-Intensity Flavor Profile of Commercial Strawberry Jams Available in the Japanese Market (Collaboration) 2017/11
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2022/09/03 Examination of a new method for the texture characteristics of thickened liquids with different thickening agents
■ Subject
1. Basic Analysis Experiment
2. Basic Analysis Experiment
3. Food Science Ⅰ
4. Food Science Experiment Ⅰ
5. Food Science Experiment Ⅰ
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■ Committee, working group
1. 2024/04
2. 2024/04
■ Developed teaching materials, textbooks, reference books
1. 2020/04
Contribution Type : 単著
2. 2020/04
Contribution Type : 単著
3. 2020/04
Contribution Type : 単著
4. 2021/04
Contribution Type : 単著
5. 2021/04
Contribution Type : 単著
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■ E-Mail Address
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