(Last updated : 2024-05-08 10:16:41)
  KIMURA Kazumi
   Hiroshima shudo University  The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences
■ Present specialized field
●Specialized field
Sociology of education 
●The main research themes
●Capable of joint research and research consultation content
■ Academic background
1. 2006/04~2009/03 Osaka University 〔Doctoral course〕 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
2. 2012/03
Degree Acquisition
Osaka University
■ Business career
1. 2018/04~2022/03 Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences Associate Professor
2. 2022/04~ Hiroshima shudo University The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences Professor
■ Book and thesis
1. Thesis Gender messages in morality textbooks―Focusing on the teaching material "Bradley's Bill"― (Single) 2020/02
■ Subject
1. B.A. Thesis
2. Educational Research SeminarⅠ
3. Educational Research Seminar Ⅱ
4. Introduction to Pedagogy
5. Moral Education
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■ Developed teaching materials, textbooks, reference books
1. 2019/04
Contribution Type : 単著
2. 2019/09
Contribution Type : 単著
3. 2020/04
Contribution Type : 単著
4. 2020/09
Contribution Type : 単著
5. 2021/04
Contribution Type : 単著
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